Saturday, 1 January 2011

for those of you who dont know..

i was originally taken into hosp around the begginning of october witha very nasty version of acute pyelonephritis (which i had been ignoring for ages and wen i finally did go to the drs got fobbed off as muscle spasms) after ivs for a week and then oral antibiotics for another week altho starting to perk up i was incredibally weak was struggling to eat and couldnt support my head or sit up unaided just started physio and was makin progress wen fuding cuts meant i had to be sent home under a home rehab service.. however on my journey home i was transferred badly and my neck was allowed to flop multiple times and i ended up with severe whiplash and possible fracturees altho xrays never ended up happening (to cover the nhs' ass perhaps) i was rushed into hosp in paulton where i am to this date.. various tryed and fails uber attempts at just sittin me up failed and since the last attempt to sit me failed and my neck got worse any other proceedings have been taken with extreme caution however i now i have a proper neck brace (not just a collar) and 8 weeks of immobilisation has led to my neck finally starting to improve..

now for the hard bit.. getting better with an uber sensitive spakky body!

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