urg.. still nothing happpeningggg.. driving me mad (its in the hands of the execs now)
on the plus side i just had my b12 injection which was overdue so im hoping the random face buzzin etc was down to that.. and fingers crossed some extra energy shall be found in the style of b12-nesss
the needlie was possibl;y the longestive ever seen pushed all the way in.. i swear it was about 10cm.. lol how utterly insane.. my arms not that deep.. i thought for a minute it was gonna pop out the other side! luckily she angled it.. and she did it very well actually, it didnt hurt atall.
the 3rd birth of moschops
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Sunday, 9 January 2011
In limbo
On thursday i was told i was going to be moved to the mineral hospital at any given point-meeep..they were suggesting thursday or friday. Now on sunday im in limboland i knew all day today it wasnt going to be today but i know it could be that tommorrow comes and im off.. sooo meep.. im scareddd.. its a good thing (i think) but im used to it here now and i know things will change dramatically and i like to be prepared for change..
so yes the move to bath is iminent.. i will let you know when i know more
so yes the move to bath is iminent.. i will let you know when i know more
where i am at with physio
so yeah i guess i should tell you all where I'm at.
just before Christmas i managed to get angles on the bed up to nearly sitting.. not for long, not comfortably and i had to be propped up with neck brace but i decided i was ready for the next step...SITTING! for someone who's not even sat even with help for 2 months and pretty much not at all for 3 months this was quite a big thing, the physios didn't turn up the first day i felt i was ready but the next day i asked the nurse to call in the physio and they arranged to have all 3 of them.. i needed the neck brace and had to be held up by my ribs shoulders and head as well as lean on the physio as i am very crumply still but i did it.. i was so pleased, what a lovely early Xmas present :)
My sitting still wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination(it was and still is only happening as an exercise) but i was asked if i wanted to try being hoisted into one of there special reclinery wheelchairs.. and we did it! it wasn't easy at all.. i was very floppy and couldn't speak because my throat muscles were fatigued and spasming but i got to see outside of my room! Unfortunately the transfer back to my bed was problematic and i was really quite unwell after.. i said i would like to try again another time but for a much shorter amount of time (few minutes) and so we did, it went much more smoothly altho i still had to be physically held into the chair/wedged and i slept for hours afterwards barely able to move or speak but better.. last time i did it again there were issues with transfers etc again and it was unfortunately almost worse then the first time..
it shows i guess great progress can happen but the course is never smooth, in the next physio we are not going to do the wheelchair but try sitting with a few physios on the bed again, and try and get stronger that way first perhaps.
I'm still very very weak. my energy levels are still low and my neck is very floppy but this is improving altho i still need my head lifted to change pillows or put tops on and stuff.. but lieing down i seem a lot better then even a month ago but any form of major movement or exercise or sit up and my body is a floppy rag doll thing and my brain is mush again. on the positive side however i used to hardly be able to move my legs at all and my arms were much floppier and my brain was in a uber daze almost constantly so in the subtle ways that i can feel but perhaps are less visible to regular onlookers.. I'm getting there :)
just before Christmas i managed to get angles on the bed up to nearly sitting.. not for long, not comfortably and i had to be propped up with neck brace but i decided i was ready for the next step...SITTING! for someone who's not even sat even with help for 2 months and pretty much not at all for 3 months this was quite a big thing, the physios didn't turn up the first day i felt i was ready but the next day i asked the nurse to call in the physio and they arranged to have all 3 of them.. i needed the neck brace and had to be held up by my ribs shoulders and head as well as lean on the physio as i am very crumply still but i did it.. i was so pleased, what a lovely early Xmas present :)
My sitting still wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination(it was and still is only happening as an exercise) but i was asked if i wanted to try being hoisted into one of there special reclinery wheelchairs.. and we did it! it wasn't easy at all.. i was very floppy and couldn't speak because my throat muscles were fatigued and spasming but i got to see outside of my room! Unfortunately the transfer back to my bed was problematic and i was really quite unwell after.. i said i would like to try again another time but for a much shorter amount of time (few minutes) and so we did, it went much more smoothly altho i still had to be physically held into the chair/wedged and i slept for hours afterwards barely able to move or speak but better.. last time i did it again there were issues with transfers etc again and it was unfortunately almost worse then the first time..
it shows i guess great progress can happen but the course is never smooth, in the next physio we are not going to do the wheelchair but try sitting with a few physios on the bed again, and try and get stronger that way first perhaps.
I'm still very very weak. my energy levels are still low and my neck is very floppy but this is improving altho i still need my head lifted to change pillows or put tops on and stuff.. but lieing down i seem a lot better then even a month ago but any form of major movement or exercise or sit up and my body is a floppy rag doll thing and my brain is mush again. on the positive side however i used to hardly be able to move my legs at all and my arms were much floppier and my brain was in a uber daze almost constantly so in the subtle ways that i can feel but perhaps are less visible to regular onlookers.. I'm getting there :)
Saturday, 1 January 2011
for those of you who dont know..
i was originally taken into hosp around the begginning of october witha very nasty version of acute pyelonephritis (which i had been ignoring for ages and wen i finally did go to the drs got fobbed off as muscle spasms) after ivs for a week and then oral antibiotics for another week altho starting to perk up i was incredibally weak was struggling to eat and couldnt support my head or sit up unaided ..id just started physio and was makin progress wen fuding cuts meant i had to be sent home under a home rehab service.. however on my journey home i was transferred badly and my neck was allowed to flop multiple times and i ended up with severe whiplash and possible fracturees altho xrays never ended up happening (to cover the nhs' ass perhaps) i was rushed into hosp in paulton where i am to this date.. various tryed and fails uber attempts at just sittin me up failed and since the last attempt to sit me failed and my neck got worse any other proceedings have been taken with extreme caution however i now i have a proper neck brace (not just a collar) and 8 weeks of immobilisation has led to my neck finally starting to improve..
now for the hard bit.. getting better with an uber sensitive spakky body!
now for the hard bit.. getting better with an uber sensitive spakky body!
the 3rd rebirth
this blog has been created to document the 3rd birth of moschops (unfortunately a moschops body must endure this many times through a moschops life because thats the way moschops bodys were made..
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